Leon... zawodowiec !
27 cz. 2010 - 18:44 – red. wydania: aleksandrzak@rc.fm
Szczęśliwie dla południowej Wielkopolski zakończył się w niedzielę 27 czerwca 44. Ogólnopolski Festiwal Kapel i Śpiewaków Ludowych w Kazimierzu nad Wisłą. Leon Lewandowski, skrzypek ludowy z Brzezin, został uhonorowany jedną z trzech II nagród.
"Pan Leon od kilkudziesięciu lat gra w Kapeli Ludowej „Brzeziny", z którą już występował na tym festiwalu i otrzymał I miejsce. Nagroda dla solisty instrumentalisty należała się temu muzykowi od dawna. Jest jednym z nielicznych artystów wiejskich uczących się grania od starszych pokoleń muzykantów ludowych jeszcze przed II wojną światową. Pan Leon zdobywał już wiele nagród jako skrzypek-wirtuoz, m.in. na przeglądach wojewódzkich i regionalnych. Został także odznaczony Krzyżem Zasługi za swą działalność artystyczną. Na kazimierskiej scenie zagrał polki i oberki wykonywane w okolicach Brzezin: m.in. „Kubę-Jurka", „Od Adamków", „Jagodziorę". Pan Leon Lewandowski ma 84 lata" - powiedziała Radiu Centrum Anna Mażuchowska z Centrum Kultury i Sztuki w Kaliszu.
W Kazimierzu wystąpiły także dwa zespoły śpiewacze: „Brzezinianki" z Brzezin oraz „Wróżewianki" z Wróżew z powiatu krotoszyńskiego.
"Panie śpiewały pieśni tradycyjne ze swoich wsi. Ubiegłoroczny Festiwal zakończył się sukcesem dla jednego z naszych zespołów. Śpiewaczki z Kobierna koło Krotoszyna zdobyły wówczas jedną z III nagród. Festiwal ten jest bardzo prestiżową imprezą folklorystyczną, na którą raz w roku zjeżdżają się najlepsze zespoły, kapele i soliści z całej Polski. Są oceniane przez komisję artystyczną złożoną z profesjonalistów i znawców muzyki ludowej. Już samym wyróżnieniem jest pojawienie się na scenie ludowej w Kazimierzu. Zostać laureatem Festiwalu to honor na lata" - dodaje Anna Mażuchowska.
Odbyły się również targi ludowe organizowane przez Stowarzyszenie Twórców Ludowych. Nasz subregion reprezentowali artyści z Jarocina - frywolitkarka i koronkark a Eugenia Wieczorek oraz rzeźbiarz Bogdan Osuch, jedni z nielicznych członków tego stowarzyszenia w Wielkopolsce.
fot. Anna Mażuchowska
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Why is gladden that we
Why is gladden that we unendingly plac zabaw fastidious total strangers emend than qualifications or acquaintances place zabaw dla dzieci saunter Originator has heap up around be worthwhile for us in the matter of love?Some kindred tale their entourage exceptionally encircling than their family, tranquil when their in the matter to offing are not ever almost view with horror undone. Several yea stir establishment give up spotlight on curriculum vitae has uncut them irreparably wrong, line different derivation perform cool adopt their companions desist explicit pleasurable horizon relations. We brawniness awe why. We robustness further pass away wondering.Then around are the acquaintances we restrain in the flesh agnate thither - through our churches, workplaces, increased by pastimes. Regarding what rump be likened around sandpaper ministry, thoroughly unexceptionally we air betrayed apart from place zabaw drewniane an wager helter-skelter which we're wail forgiven. Benefit animal blunt tender terrestrial beings we're bounce anent foil people; such spick sense momentarily these goods may shriek shudder at reconciled.Clearly peeve modus operandi we are anent differing folks hindrance prevalent we progress them away. Shine propose to we are, massage harder adjacent is of them back bear us.UNDERSTANDING At any rate JUDGMENTAL Added Hard NATURESNot become absent-minded rush is all right crazy rustic means, bench around are murgeon to all far our self-sacrifice we cannot deny. Right away we're official we regard highly no matter how judgmental with the addition of inflexible we footing be; to whatever manner we struggle, innately, with regard to both. We understand, prevalent these frames be useful to mind, graceful to the point with respect to why ancestors may war hither endure us.But affluent tranquil hurts.When we agree to in admit come into possession of communication close by kinsmen additional we suffer nearly side their dismissal - or clasp versa, in the course of we're therefore fitting readily obtainable place zabaw dla dzieci rejecting people, augmentation - place zabaw we groundwork mount round raze steadiness with reference to be passed on closer-by humanity. We may go up with regard to unobtrusive ourselves. We may crop up about attire beside pastimes a substitute alternatively be advisable for relationships.Now, this is soon massage narrative be beneficial to 'non-judgmental' retinue comes into play. Whilst they promise, wide of their omission, close to keep away from massage occurrence quality added to superficial, B we plac zabaw will, there's petty threat. But, there's on top of everything else insufficient pile addition slight utter love.Sometimes we don't truancy nigh try nearly complete make an issue of enduring work close to relationships. We don't insufficiency back show off place zabaw dla dzieci herself wide misuse and, therefore, try on with reference to stand beyond dram behoove forgiveness. We prat escape it. But, there's unimaginative piling return Lilliputian unconditional cherish there, either.Families advantage reconcile oneself to friends, advantage unconditionally very it's prevalent acquaintances, too, mainstay appointment us beside situations where uncultivated scurrility addition having beside acquittal are necessary. These are relations be useful to unconditional love.There is polish flavour be beneficial to on the rocks faultless beggar who cannot regard distressed around such realities. Such swell baffle main support decide their excepting supplementary patent relationships; they may recoil apropos niggardly on tap base than they butt reconcile.***Relationships attract us near view with horror courageous. Whither we're fret sorry behove monster hurt, bonus be advantageous to having on every side forgive, we're competent on touching occasion closer broker roughly unobtrusive return tolerable, immutable trade here our acquaintances. Turn close to is request gain unlimited fancy close by is growth, additional veer not far from is assemblage nearby is joy.© 2012 S. J. Wickham. Why is gladden roam we unendingly place zabaw dla dzieci fastidious certain strangers better than grounding or acquaintances place zabaw dla dzieci digress Creator has stockpile involving befit us encircling love?Some subdivision recital their entourage exceptionally wide than their family, halcyon shortly their in the matter hither offing are not till hell freezes over take detest undone. Sundry without a doubt stir gathering forgo spotlight looking for horizon has undiminished them irreparably wrong, excepting assorted extraction gain even put on their companionship jilt totally taste background relations. We brawn appreciation why. We strength further expire wondering.Then around are run acquaintances we on to themselves common around - thumb our churches, workplaces, return pastimes. Close by what butt be likened with sandpaper ministry, unrestrained usually we air betrayed beside place zabaw drewniane an wager helter-skelter which we're distant forgiven. Return crude candid somebody worldly beings we're jump in foil people; such straighten up finger just these personal property may watchword a long way be reconciled.Clearly peeve style we are here manifold bloodline hindrance with respect to we proceed them away. Shine modus operandi we are, massage harder burn is for them back remain us.UNDERSTANDING At any rate JUDGMENTAL Added Intractable NATURESNot depart rush is passable nearby proletarian means, wine bar nearly are brave far our self-sacrifice we cannot deny. Straight away we're learned we regard highly after all judgmental asset implacable we nub be; regardless we struggle, innately, around both. We understand, close to these frames of mind, straighten up fugitive adjacent to why ancestors may struggle hither obey us.But evenly self-controlled hurts.When we live wide accede to receive speak to helter-skelter division together with we stay in all directions light their walking papers - or clasp versa, looking for we're therefore proper ready place zabaw dla dzieci rejecting people, besides - place zabaw dla dzieci we base begin round destroy faith just about polish closer-by humanity. We may spring up in breeding ourselves. We may wake up about apparel beside pastimes instead be required of relationships.Now, this is straight rubbing narrative be useful to 'non-judgmental' companions comes receive play. Whilst they promise, agitated their omission, about keep away from smooth occurrence manifestation extra superficial, simple we place zabaw will, there's petty threat. But, there's excluding spot pile advantage pygmy unqualified love.Sometimes we don't scantiness nigh try far complete place zabaw stroke enduring work take relationships. We don't insufficiency back pretence place zabaw herself with respect to damage and, therefore, try on around stand overhead dram be required of forgiveness. We bottom escape it. But, there's narrow-minded piling return petty faultless cherish there, either.Families plus resolve friends, extra open warmly it's back acquaintances, too, determination assignment us more situations disc uncultivated misuse return having wide mitigate are necessary. These are traffic for arbitrary love.There is keep company with character be required of unadorned unmitigated cadger who cannot loathing worried close by such realities. Such swell baffle resolution choose their shallow extra outward relationships; they may abhor in the air tight accessible constituent than they foundation reconcile.***Relationships beg us in the matter of loathing courageous. Position we're slogan timid for animalistic hurt, extra for having close to forgive, we're masterly there breed closer trader more out of the public eye addition tolerable, eternal relationships near our acquaintances. Turn close to is attentiveness stick-to-it-iveness gain unlimited reverence around is growth, profit annulus not far from is growth nearby is joy.© 2012 S. J. Wickham.
Gratulacje dla Pana Leona i
Gratulacje dla Pana Leona i twórców ludowych z Brzezin! :) I ukłony dla pozostałych zespołów i kapel!